Monday, 5 March 2012

Versatile Blogger Award #2

Yay I was awarded my second award the other day by the lovely Claire from poochytails and Dipsy_Donz from Love.Make up. Fashion. Life! So please visit their blogs, they're great!

I would just like to say a thank you so much to them both, for awarding me this, I must be doing something right, and I'm glad that someone enjoys my ramblings!

If you receive this award there are certain rules you have to follow which are:

  • Thank the person who sends you the award and add a link to their blog in your post
  • Write 7 random things about yourself
  • Give the award to 15 other bloggers you love and tell them about it!
  • Post the Versatile Blogger Award Picture to your blog

I apologise if some of the facts are the same as before!

1. I am currently in my first year of sixth form and I study History, German, Chemistry and Biology.
2. My favourite bands of all time include Green Day, Slipknot, Enter Shikari and Pendulum
3. My natural hair colour is blonde, but I have had it red for over a year now.
4. I have an amazing bestfriend called Lizzy
5. My favoutite colours are black and red.
6. I am going to Download Festival this year with said best friend ~so much craze~
7. I love anything vintage/retro, especially the 40's and 50's!

It took me so long to choose you all! I basically chose on a basis if people posted 1. Things I liked
2. Things I could afford (as much as I love reading about MAC, it makes me feel poor.)
3. If you generally have a lovely blog 

Thanks again to Claire and Dipsy_Donz! 


  1. Aww, thanks for this award, I love your hair colour! (Actually, I am sat right now as I type with red hair dye developing on my hair ;-)

  2. Thank you so much,glad someone enjoys my blog! will post about it soon xx

  3. Thank you thats's lovely! I shall do this tomorrow :) I love your blog too! xxx


All your questions, comments and feedback are greatly appreciated, thank you. If you have any further questions please email me at or tweet me at @yentruocfarrow because I will get back to you sooner

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